1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Brandy, Carraway. Carra'l\ay seed, 1 oz., bruised in. Brandy, 1 pint. L et stand one week; strain and put in: Loaf sugar, 6 oz. Brandy, Cherry. Black or wild cherries, bruised, crack· ing the pits. Wild cherry leaves, add a few. Brandy or pure spirits, 3 pints. L et stand for 90 days; strain; add 2 lbs. white sugar; let stand a week and it will be r eady for use. Brandy, Currant. Red currants, 1 quart in a jar. Brandy, 1 quart. · Strain in 60 days and add sugar to taste. Brandy, Domestic. Essence of cognac, 1 pint. Pure spirits, 20 per cent above, 15 gallons. White syrup, 1h pint. Caramel, enough to color. Brandy, Ginger. Ginger, 1 oz. bruised. Brandy, 1 bottle. Syrup, enough to sweeten to taste. Brandy, Juniper. Oil of juniper, l;(i drachm. Brandy or pure spirits, 1 quart to dis– solve juniper oil. Sugar, dissolved in 1 quart of water. Mix. Brandy, Lem01~. L emon p eel of 6 1ernons; steep in the b randy. Bitter p,lmond , 2; st eep in the brandy. '

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