1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Bosom Caresser. Fill a mixing-glass one-third full of fine ice; add a teaspoonful raspberry syrup, one fresh egg, one jigger brandy; fill with milk, shake well, and strain. Bracer. One pony b1'andy, one-half pony yellow char– treuse, one-half pony maraschino, five drops absinthe, the yolk of one egg wb.ipped, one table– spoonful fine sugar. Mix well with ice, strain, and serve in small fancy glaeses. Brain-Duster. · A mixing"-glass half-full of fine ice, two dashes gum syrup, one pony absinthe, one-half pony Italian vermouth, one-half pony whiskey. Mix well, strain into thin glass, fill with seltzer. Brandy and Ginger Ale. Place a lump of ice in a long thin punch-glass, add one jigger brandy and a cold bottle of im– ported ginger ale.. Brandy Champerelle. Fill a sherry-glass one-fourth full maraschino, one-fourth full orange curacoa, one-fourth full yel– low chartreuse, and one-fourth full brandy. Add

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