1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



jigger brandy; shake well, strain into fizz -glass, fill with siphon seltzer. Serve.

ยท Cider Fiz_z. A thin fizz-glass two-thirds full cider; add the juice of quarter of a lemon, a long ba r-spoonful fine sugar. Stir and drink during effervescence. Gin Fizz. Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Fizz, substituting gip for brandy. Electric Current Fizz. Make a silver fizz; save the yolk of the egg and serve it in the half-shell, with a little pepper, salt, and vinegar, with the fizz. Golden Fizz. The juice of half a lemon, half a tablespoonful fin e sugar, the yolk of one egg, one jigger Tom gi n; shake well in a mi-xing-glass with fine ice, strain into a fizz-glass, fill with siphon seltzer or carbonic. Drink while effervescent. Lime Gin Fizz. Prepa re in the same mam;i er as a Plain Gin Fizz, using lime-jui ce in place of lemon.

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