1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Tailor's Fizz. One lump of ice in a fizz-glass; add one jigger Scotch whiskey, fill the glass with siphon carbonic or vichy. · Violet Fizz. Prepare in the same manner as a Silver Fizz, adding a tablespoonful raspberry vinegar before shaking.. Whiskey Fizz. Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Fizz, sub– stituting ·whiskey for brandy. Ale Flip. Beat up one egg with half a tablespoonful fine sugar, then fill the glass with ale; mix well with the egg and sugar. Grate nutmeg on top and serve. Brandy Flip. A mix ing-glass half-full fine ice, one tablespoon– ful fine sugar, one fresh egg, one jigg_er brandy; shake well, strain into thin glass. Grate nutmeg OD top. Egg Flip. One fresh egg, one tablespoonful fine sugar, one jigger sherry in a mixing-glass half-full fiue ice;

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