1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Sherry Egg Nogg,No. 1.

Use a large bar glass.

A' table-spoon sugar. 1 egg. 1 pony-glass brandy. 1 wine-glass sherry.

Fill u]) with fine ice. Shake well. Strain Into a fancy bar glass. Serve with nutmeg on top.

Sherry Egg Nogg,No.2.

Use a large bar glass.

1 table-spoon sugar. 1 egg. 2 wine-glasses sherry.

'A glass fine ice,fill with milk,shake thoroughly,nutmegon top and serve.

Sherry Flip.

Use a large bar glass.

A' the glass fine ice. 1 egg. A' table-spoon sugar. I14 wine-glass sherry.

Shake well; strain into a fancy glass with nutmeg on top and serve.


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