1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

May Wine Punch,. Use a large punch boivl.

1 or 3bunchesof woodruff,and cut it into small pieces and place it into a large bar glass, and fill up the bal ance with the best French brandy, cover it up and let it stand for two or three hours, until the essence of the woodruffisthoroughly extracted ; cover the bottom of tlie bowl with loaf sugar,and pour from 4 to 6 bottles of plain soda over the sugar. Cut up six oranges in slices, i pineapple, and sufficient berries and grapes. 8 bottles of Moselle or Rhine wine. 1 bottle of Veuve Clicquot. Then put yqur woodruffand brandy, etc., into the bowl,stir well,and you will have SKs to 3 gallons of excellent May WinePunch ;surround the bowl with ice, serve in a wine glass.

Medford Rum Punch. Use a large bar glass.

Fill glass with fine ice. K table-spoon sugar. 3or 8 dasheslemon juice.

IK glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits in sea son and serve with straw. 74

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