1908 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko

BLACK HAWK COCKTAIL 50% Rye whiskey 50% Gordon's sloe gin Fill glass with ice. Stir, strain and serve in cocktail glass.

BLACK STRIPE a whiskey glass, with Use enough Jamaica rum to cover bottom of glass I tablespoonful of New Or leans molasses. Place spoon in glass; hand rum bottle to customer and al low him to stir and help him self.

BLACKTHORNE COCKTAIL Fill mixing glass full fine ice 1 teaspoonful of syrup y teaspoonful of lemon juice 2 dashes orange bitters V-i wine glass Italian Vermouth 3 dashes Angostura bitters 50% wine glass Sloe gin. Stir ingredients thoroughly and strain in cocktail glass and serve.

BLUE BLAZER (Use 2 metal mugs or 2 heavy bar glasses.) Vi tablespoonful sugar, dis solved in a little water I wine glass of Scotch or rye whiskey. Set the liquid on fire, and while blazing pour three or four times from one to the other. This will look like a stream of fire; twist a piece of lemon peel on top. with a little grated nutmeg and serve.


BONNETT COCKTAIL (Use champagne glass.)

I dash brown Curacao 50% high and dry gin 50% Bailor Vermouth. Stir, strain and serve.

Juice of one lime 50% Benedictine 50% Bailor Vermouth I piece of ice I slice of pineapple. Stir, top off with carbonic and serve.


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