1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney


Blackberry Brandy. One-fourth ounce cardamom seeds, ground. One ounce cinnamon. ;

One-half ounce mace. One-half ounce cloves.

Three gallons juice of blackberry. Ten gallons 5/5 per cent, alcohol. Four ounces white syrup. Thirteen gallons water. Steep the spices in the alcohol for about seven or jfeight days; filter the liquor and add the other in gredients. Cherry Brandy. Bruise three pounds of black cherries, wild ones preferable, cracking the stones; put the mass into a jar, with a few young cherry leaves. Add three pints of brandy or pure spirit; in three months strain off. Add two pounds of clear sugar, after which it will be ready for use in a week. Caraway Brandy. Steep one ounce of caraway seed, bruised, in one pint of brandy. In one week strain. Add si.x ounces of loaf sugar. Ginger Brandy. Bruise one ounce of ginger, add one bottle of brandy. Syrup to taste.


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