1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney


Currant Brandy. Take one quart of black or red currants, and fill up with one quart of brandy. In two months strain, and add sugar to taste.

Domestic Brandy.

One hundred drops oil of Cognac. One-half pint alcohol. Three drachms powdered orris root. One drachm cut vanilla.

Allow the whole to remain together about twenty-four hours, after which add one gallon pure spirits, 20 per cent, above proof; filter through a felt filter, and add nine gallons more pure proof spirits, one-half gallon water, one pint white syrup. Color with caramel or burned sugar.

Peach Brandy.

Twenty drops oil of bitter almonds. Three and three-quarter gallons of cjs per cent, alcohol.

Orange Brandy. Into a large jar put eight oranges; cover them with brandy. In three months' time strain off the brandy, sweeten to taste, and cover the oranges over with syrup.

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