1908 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S Mahoney


Bottled Brandy Cocktail.

Five gallons of strong brandy. Two gallons of water. One quart of Stoiighton's bitters.

One quart of gum .syrup. One bottle of Curacoa. After mixing thoroughly filter through Canton flannel. Bottle of Whiskey Cocktails. Enough whiskey to make a quart, with the addi tion of one pony of pure Curacoa, one wine glass of gum syrup, and three-quarters of a pony of bitters n mix in shakers until thoroughly blended, and then pour in bottle, cork and label.

Bottled Gin Cocktail.

Five gallons of gin. Two gallons of water. One quart of gum syrup.

Two ounces of tincture of orange peel. Seven ounces of tincture of gentian. One-half ounce of tincture of cardamoms. One-half ounce of tincture of lemon peel. Mix them together, and give the desired color with Solferino and caramel, in equal proportions.


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