1908 The World's Drinks and How to Miw Them by Hon Wm Boothby (1st edition)



CLARET, HOT. 130 Dissolve two ·cubes of sugar in a hot-water glass thr.:ie-quarters full of boiling water, fill the glass with claret, add a slice of lemon, grate nutmeg over the top and serve.

CRANBERRYADE. 131 Place about a dozen cranberries in a large mixing-glass and mash them well with a muddler. Add some boiling water, strain into a thin glass, sweeten to taste, dash with port wine and ser ve. Any kind of berries can be treated in the same manner.

EGG FLIP, HOT. 132 Pour a pint of Bass's ale in a saucepan and set on fire to boil. Then beat up a couple of eggs ancl mix with two tablespoonfuls of sugar (brown sugar is the best), making a light batter. When the ale has boiled, pour over the eggs, very slowly at first to prevent cur9,ling, then pour backwards and forwards until the mixture' 'appears all alike and smooth. Spice well ancl serve as hot as possible. This is an olcl English cure fo r a bad cold.

EGG NOG, HOT. 133 Make t he same as Cold Egg Nogg, with hot milk substituted for ice and milk. (See Recipes Nos. 227 and 228.)

GIN SLING, HOT. 134 Make t he same as Brandy Sling, Hot, with Holland gin substituted for brandy. (See Recipe No. 126.)

GIN TODDY, HOT. 135 Make the same as Brandy T ocldy, Hot, with Holland gin substituted for brandy. (See Recipe No. 127.)

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