1910 The Barkeeper's Manual by Raymond E. Sullivan (second edition)

H I N T S ON BO T T L I N G—Continued pa g e To Ripen A le or Po r t er .......................................... 48 The Bart ender’s M axim s. .................................55-56 The St at e of Liquor at the Time of Bot t ling. 47 W ine Closet Requ isit es.......................................... 54 H O T D RI N K S: Blue Blazes................................................................... 20 H ot Brandy Pun ch ................................................... 19 H ot I r i sh ................................................................. 19 H ot Rye W h isk ey..................................................... 19 H ot Rum Pun ch ......................................................... 19 H ot Scot ch ................................................................... 19 H ot Tom and Jer r y ................................................... 20 JU L EPS: Brandy Ju l ep ................................................................ 24 Ginger A le Ju l ep ....................................................... 24 M int Ju l ep .................................................................... 24 Tom Gin Ju l ep ........................................................... 24 Rum Ju l ep .................................................................... 24 L EM O N A D ES: Claret Lem onade....................................................... 36 Egg Lem onade.................. 37 H ot Lem onade............................................ 36 Limeade ........................................................................ 36 O rangeade ................................................................... 37 Plain Lem onade......................................................... 36 Port W ine Lemonade.............................................. 37 Selt zer Lemonade....................................................... 37 “ St ick Lemonade” ..................................................... 36 M U L L ED W I N ES: Mulled Claret ............................................................... 38 M ulled Claret with Egg s........................................ 39 M ulled Po r t .................................................................. 38 M ulled Sh er r y > ............................................... 39 PL A I N D RI N K S: Brandy St r ai gh t ......................................................... 34 Brunsw ick Cooler....................................................... 35 Brandy and Sod a....................................................... 35 Cat awba Plain ............................................................. 35 Grape Ju i ce................................................................... 35 Port W ine Pl ai n .......................................... 34 Scotch St raigh t ........................................................... 34 Sherr y Plain ................................................................. 35 W h iskey St r aigh t ............................................ 34 59


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