1912 Dr Siegert's Angostura Bitters

Recipesfor Mixing Fancy Drinks

2jiggers port wine. 2 dashes Dr. Siegert's Genuine Angostura Bitters. Stir well; fill up with ice; dress with fniit, and serve ^ith straws. PORT WINE SANQAREE Use large bar glass, half full of ice, 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 large glass of port wine. Shake well; strain in fancy stem glass; grate nutmeg on top, and serve,

POUSSE CAFE Pour in pousse cafe glass as follows: i glass raspberry syrup.

I glass Maraschino. i glass green vanilla, i glass Curasao. I glass yellow chartreuse, i glass brandy.

In preparing the above use a small wine glass with spoon, for pouring in each cordial separately. Be careful they do not mix together. POUSSE CAFE glass Maraschino, i glass vanilla, i glass Curasao, i glass chartreuse, iglass brandy. Thi.s is the Parisian Cafe recipe. Serve without letting colors mix.

POUSSE CAFE (Manhattaji).

iMaraschmo. icura5ao.


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