1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



COBBLER- Rhine.Wine. (Use a large bar glass.) One ~d Qne-h1ilf ta h_lespoonfuls of sttgar, One; a nd one-ha lf wrne-g lass of wa ter, d issolve well with a spoon, One and one-halt wine-glass of Rhine w ine, F ill t he glass with sha ved ice. .Stir u p well with 1i. sp~on; ornam ent with grapes, orange, pmea pple, strawbern es, 10 season, a n d serve with a stra w. ---, COBBLER- Whiskey. (Use a large bar glass.) T wo w ine-gla-<;.ses of whi key, One-ha lf tablespoonf u1 of sugar, d issolve well, One and one-half tablespoon fu l of pineapple syrup, Fill g lass with fine ice, :itir well a nd dr ess with fruits. ยท COCKTAIL- Absinthe. (Use a larg e bar glass.) F ill t umbler with ice, Threi, or four clashes of gum syrup, One dash of angotusra bitters, Que dash of a nise tte, ' 1 One-quarter wine-glass of "'a.ter, " Three-q uar ter wine-glass 0f absinthe. Stir well, stra in i:1to a fancy cocktail glass. T wist a piece of lem on peel on top, ser ve. COCKTAIL- Appl e Jaclc. (Use large bar glass.)

One-ha lf full of shaved ice. Two clashes of g um syrup, T wo dashes of bi tters, One d ash of cu racoa, One wine-g la;is of a pple jack .

, Stir'wi th spoon, a nd a fter stra ining into cock tail glass, add cherry or olive, and squeeze lt>mon peel on top.

COCKTAIL- Bijou. (Use a larg e bar glass.)

.Three-qua r ter glass filled with shaved ice," One-t hird wine-glass of green cbar t.reuse, One-thi rd w ine-glw s or Jta lia n vern~outh. One-th ird wine-g lass of Pl ymouth gm.. . Stir well with th e spoon, a nd after strainrng 10 cock~1l glass, a clcl cherry or small olive, a nd serve af tt:r ~quet:zrn g lemon peel on top. .

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