1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



FIZZ-Morning Glory. (Uoe a large bar glass.)

Fill t he glass t.hree-qnarters fu ll of fli:i e ici:, Mix three or four dashes of abein the Ill a little water, 'rhree dashes of lime juice, Four or five dashes of 11-mon juice, One tablespoon of .;ugar, The white of one ej{g, One wine-glass of Sc:otch whiskey. Shake well in a shaker dnd st.ra in ; fi ll bala nce.•of glass with seltzer or vichy water. To be drank immed iately, or the eft'P.ct will h" lost. It is a morning beveral,(e, a tonic and a ner,,e quieter.

I FIZZ- Silver. (Uae a large bar glass.)

One-half table•poonful of SU l?fLT'. Two or three dash..s of lemon juice, One wine-glass of Old Tom gin, Whi te of one egg, Three-quarter glass filled with sh•w P.d ice.

Shake up well with a shake1', stra in it in •o a i:;ond-sizerl fi zz glass, fi ll up the glass with syphon selters or vichy water, mix well and serve. ·

FIZZ-Sloe Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) Fill gJ,.ss h alf full of icP,

Three dashes of len1n11 j11 iC"'A, One-half tabl;,spon11 Of 8uga1-. One-half wine-~las• of slo~ !!in . Shake well a nd Stram; fill glass wi th seltzer water. FIZZ-St. Croix, . (Use a large bar glass.) Same as Brandy Fizz, substit.u ting S t. Cr oix rum for bra ndy. FIZZ-Telephone, (Wae a large bar glass.) Fill glass h alf full of ice, On tt-a~poon of eugar, One pony of Frenc h brnncly One pony of mnrnBcb!nn, ' On,... r R.w e!?'g-. Shake w-ill. strain in a stem g lass avd fill with seltzer water.

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