1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



. FIZZ- Whiskey. (Ose a large ba r glass.) Same as Brandy Fizz, substituting whiskey for brandy.

FLIP- Brandy. (Use a large bar glass.) One egg, benten thoroughly, One-ha lf tablespoonful of sugar,

One-half glass of shaved ice, One wine-glass of brn:id y. Shake .well, strain Into a fl ip or other fancy bar glass, and grate a little nutmeg on top a nd serve.

FLIP- Glasgow. (Use 1 lerge bar glass.) One egg, thoroughly benten, Add the juice of one lemon,

One-half table•poon of powdered sugar. Balance cold ginger ale.

Stir well, and serve.

FLIP- Gin, (Use a large bar glass,) One fresh egg, I One tablespoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer . water. One wine-glass Holland gin. • • Fill glass half full with fine ice, shake well, and strain into a fancy glass a nd serve. FLIP- Hot Brandy. (Use a large bar glass, heated.) One tenspoonful of s11gar, One wine-glass of brandy, Yolk of one egg, Dissolve the sugar in a little bot water, add the brandy and egl?' shake up tborougblylpour into a medium bar glass, and fill it one-half full of boi !ng water. Grat" a little nutmeg on top and serve. ·

FLIP- Hot Gin. (Use a large bar glass, heated.) Same as hot Brandy Flip, substituting gin for brandy.

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