1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



PUNCH-Tip Top.


PUNCH-Vanilla. (Use a large bar glass.)

One tablespoon of sugar. cli~sol\·pd in a little water; Three or four dashes of lemon juice, Two or three dashes of cura.coa,

One wine-glass of brandy, One pony of vanilla. cordiul.

Fill with fine.ice. Mix wel l. Dress tastily with berries and fruit in sea.sori, and serve with a !=ltraw. Or you can flavor with a little vanilla. extract instE:ad of the cordial. I

PUN.CH-Whiskey. (Use a large bar glass.)

One tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a Ii ttle water; Juice of hal f a small lemon. One a nd oua-ba.Jf wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch . whiskey. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Ser ve with a. straw. · , __ . PUNCH - Whiskey; Hot. (Use a large bar glass.) Sa.me as Irish Whiskey, Hot, substituting r ye or bour– bon for Irish whlske~-.

PUNCH- Century Club.

One pint of old Ranta. Cruz rum, One pint of old :Jamaica rum, Five pints of water. With t.he addition of lemon juice and sugar to suit the taste, this makes a. nice punch,

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