1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
SOUR- Continental. (Use a large bar glaso.)
One-half teaspoon of sugar, ·dissolved in water ; Juice of one-half a Jt-1non, One wine-"lass of whiske)' or liquor a~ desir ec:. F ill g lass with fl1ie i"e; shake well, and Stram mtc ::. :::r glass; dash with claret. 1
SOUR-Dizzy. (Use a lorge glass.) One-half a lemon, mashed :
'l'wo tel\Spoons of powdered snaar, One-hair wine-eln•s of' whiskey, Th ree dashes of b~nedictine. Three-quarters gla~.sfu l of ice. ShakP well and str:::~:c. :::~.":-:m edi um-sized glass; add a piece of pi neapp:e. E'lo1.;.; J::)– third wint>-glass of Jamaica. r um on top.
SOUR- E0o. (Use a large bar glass.)
One tablespoonfu l of powdered sugar, Three lumps of ice, One egg, Juice of one lemon. Shake t.horoughly: g ratti n utmeg on top: serve with:?.:~:::7.
SOUR- Gi'I. (Use• large bar glass.) Same as l3ra udy Sou1·, substituting Holland gin ~c: i:::::::.'.::-.
SOUR- J ersey. (Use a small lfar glass.) 1 One la rge teaspoonful of powdered white e U'-":::.:', i_,, solved i n a littlt> watt:r; - · T wo or three dashes of lemon juice, One wine-glass of applejack. Fill the gla•s with' s haved iCh shake and Etr:i.b. ..::';:: , claret g lass. . Ornament with berries.
SOUR- Rum. ( Jse a large bar glass.) Sarue as Brandy Sour, su bstituting r u m fnr branC:.7,
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