1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
SOUR- Wh iskey. (Uae • larl e bar glass.) Same as Bi;a.ndy Sour, substituting whiskey for b;andy.
STICK.-A dash of whiskey added to a soft drink.
STONE FENCE. (Use a whiskey glass.)
One winP-glass of Bourbon whiskey or a-pple-jack,, Two or three lumps of ice.
~ill up with cider. Stir well, and serve.
STONE WAL,L. (Use a large bor gloss.)
One-quarter tablespoonful of sugar, T hree o'r four ·lump:i of ice, 011e wine-i;:lass of whiRkel', One bott\., of phdn soda water. Stir up well with a spoon, rewove the ice and serve.
STRAl1GHT DRINKS.-See Bra ndy Straight, on page lL
SUISSE. (Use a large b• r glass.) Two or three lump" of icf}, Three dasheg of anisette.
One-ha.If wine-gJ..ss of absinthe, ' Vhite of one egg. Strain into a medium thin glass and fill with seltzer.
TOM COLLINS. (Use an extra large bar glasa.) Three-quarters tablespoon of suga r, Three or four d ashes of lime juice, Three or four pieces of brok~n ice, On" 'vine-glass of Old Tom gm, One bottle of plain ~oda. . Mix with a spoon, stram and serve. Attent10n must lJe psiid not to let the foam of the soda spread over the glass. This drink must be drunk as soon as mixed.
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