1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks

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TODDY- Brandy. (Use a large bar glas>.J

One-ha lf teaspoonful of sugar. dissolved well i1rn 1ittle water; One clr two lumps of brokpn ice, . Une wine-glass of bra ndy. . Stir .UP well and serve. The proper way to serve tbi• drink, !St'? d issolve the sugar with a li.t.Ue water, put the spoon a nd !Ce 111 the glass•.and ha nd out the bottle of .liqnor to the cus– tomer to h elp himself. For Hot Bra.ndy Toddy, omit the ice and use hot water.

TODDY- Gin. (Use a large bar glass.) 8amea~ Brand)' 'roddy, substitu tiJJg Holland gin for brandy.

TODDY- Old-fashioned. (Use en old-style cocktail glass.)

One teaspoonful of s ugar, dissolved in a little seltzer : T wo sm a ll pieces of ice, One wine-glass of Bonrbon whiskey.

Stir gently and serv" with s poon in glass.

TODDY- Whiskey. (Use a large bar glass.) Sa me as Bra ndy Torldy, •ubstitutiug whiskey for brandy.

VELVET- Bottled. (Use a punch-bowl.) One bottlt> of m oselle, One-ha lf pint of she1T)'. 'l'wo tablespoonful8 of sugar, One lemon, '


One sprig of verbena . P eel the lemon very thin, u sing only sufficien~ of th<:> peEI~ to produce the G.esired flavor ; add the other 111gred1ents . strain and ice. . VELVET- Champagne. tUse a large·sixed goblet.) For this drink a bottle of clrnmpag1a: a nd a bottle of porter must be opened. Fill tbP gla~• olle-ln! lf full w ith por.ter, t.he ba.la.nce with cha.n1pagne. St ir u p with a spoon slo\\ lY~ aud ygu have what is c.dl ed Chuwpaiont> VtilV<'t. '

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