1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
WEHMAN BROS. ' BARTENm fos curpi:.
Fivb qua.r ts of water, Six ounces of.hops.
. • Boil six hours. a fte r which strain this, R.n~l addmg four qua.rts more of water and twelve ta~lesp_oons lul _o~ ~round g! nger ·boil t hree hours longer. Stra rn t his •t11d mix with the fonne r' stra ined liquor. Deepl y bro wn 11. lo~f ~t bread, a nd pnunding it fine a rid to the liquor, a nd when 1t 1s nearly cold a dd a pint of brE'wer's yeast, a llowing it to ferlilent a d ay a nd a half<36 hours) . Dra woffintoa keg orbottle ; t1e corks down. . . LEMON BEER. One gallon of water, One lt!mon, slicerl; One tablespoon of ground ginger , One pint. of suga r-house syrup, One-h qlf pint of yeast. Mix thoroughl y a nd let it stand for one d ay (24 h ours),wh en it will be r ead y to use, If bottled , ti!, down the corks. MOLASSES BEER. Mix four qua rts ~f molasses with thirteen gallons of water. and three oun.<'es of h ops. Boil ha lf an hour, st1·ain and add one-ha lf piut of yeast .
Three bunc hes of win tergreen, , Three bunches of sarsapa rilla., Three bunches of sa•safras, Three b 11 nches of s weet fern, Three bunches of spicewood, Three bun c hes of yrince pine.
. ~rind t~gether i.n a mil H eat eight gallons of water. Put, ID 1ngred1en~R while the water is h ot. Bqil flne h our: s trnin a nd t.hen .bml one-h11.lf p nun rl o f h ops In t h1·ee gallo 11R •1f wa– ter. Stm m a nd mix wit.h t.he othe r, a d rling ·on., gA.l!on o f molMses. Bro w!1 a loaf nf brearl: soa k it in b1·e wP1·. · yeast.. Put a ll toge t.her m a ten-1mllon keg, let it. fermen t, a.11rl wh en ~one beat the white of a n egg to a froth . S tir 1.ho1·ou/thll' rnto t!ie beer a nd bung the ke~. L et it stand until c lear and bottle for use.
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