1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks




One ounce of yellow dock, One ounce of wintergreen, One ounce of sassafras, One ounce of a llspice, One-ha lf mrncA of coriander One-h•Ll f ounce of wile! cher~y bark One-quarter ounce o f hops, ' Three quart.~ of molaSSPR.

P our boiling '".ater on the above and let it stand t wenty. four hours ; st ram and ndd 011e-h11.lf pint of yeast. It will be r eady for use in twenty-four hours.


T wo ouuces of hops. T wo ounces of chips of the sassafras root, Ten gallons of water, Boil 20 minutes ; strail)- and pour in while hot one gal- lon of molasses, · Two t11.blespoons of essence of sprucP, Two tablespoons of essence of ginger, One tablespoon of essence of g1·ound allspice. Put.in a keg, and when cold nrld onAquart of yeast ; after standing twenty-four hours dra w it off or bottle it.


Two ounces of sweet fern, One ounce of snrsaparilla, One-ha lf ounc~ of•wi ntergreen, One ounce of sassafras, Two ounces of prince's pine, Two ounces of comfrey ~oot, T wo ounces of burdock root, One ounce of n<'ttle, One ounce of Solomon"s seal, F our ounces of b lack bi rch, Four ounces of raw potatoes, Four gallons of water.

' Chop the potntoGs up fine a nd boil all together six hours. Strain a nd add one qua rt of molasses to three 1wllnns of beer. 'Brown a loaf of bre!J-d at~d t hrow into t he liquor; when almost colcl, add one ptnt or yenst., .let. 1( ferment one day (24 hours) a nd bottle and bung It up tigh t 111 " keir.

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