1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks



BISHOP- a La Prusse.

One bpttle of port wiue, Ooe-ht'1f pound of pouuded loaf sugar, ~'ive goon-sized biLter ora nges.

Ro>Lst the oruuges uutil they a re of a pale brown color: lay t1Ji::n1 in a tureen, 1:u 1d covet· t bt:in with the sugar, ttdding tlll"ee gli1"!Ses of tu" pnrt wine; cover tl1e LUreen a nd lt:t it stand until the next day . "\\' hen reqniretl for use, place the tureen in a pa n of boiling water; J?ress tlie omnges with a spoon, a nd run the juice t hrough a sieve. Boil the remain– der of the port wiue ; ndd the strniued juice, a nd sGr ve warm in glasses.

BISHOP- English . (Use a small punch bawl.) One qua rt of the best JJOrt wine,

One orange (stucK pretty well with cloves) . Roast t he orunge b efore a Jjre, and wlum suftlcitmtly brown, cut. in quarters, antl pour OYer it the port w irw, (previously, made hot ); add suga1· to taste, aud let the mi.xtu1·e simmer IJ\'el' t.he fire for ha1f a u buur.

BLACK STRIPE. ~ Use a small bar glass.} One wine glass of Santn. Cruz ruin, One tablespoonfu l of molassej!.

Tbis drink can eiLher be made in Summer or "'' inter; if in the former season, mix in one tnblespoouful of water a.nd cnol with shaved ice; if in the latter, fi ll the tumbler with boiling water. Grate a little nutmeg on top.

BRACE UP. (Use a larg e bar glass.}

One tnblespoonfcl of white sugar, 'fwo or tnr~e daf:hes of bitters, 'l'wo or t.bree d ashes of lemon juice, One dash of lime juice. Two dushes of anisette, One fresh egg, Three-quarters glass of brandy, 0 »- ha ]f glass Of shnYerl ice.

Shake t his up thm·ong hly in a shaker, stra.in it into a large glas.~. i.i:::. fill with vichy or Apollinaris water and serve.

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