1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague


'1-ms UP“To-DATE BART!’INDERS’. cum!’I


I dash lime juice. 3 dashes Anisette. I egg. 1 jigger brandy.


Fill glass half full shaved.ice; shake well; strain into tall thin glass. fill with Apollinaris (or any suit~, able carbonated water) and serve. BRANDY. PONY OF. Place a small bar glass before the customer and a glass of ice .water. Fill a pony glass with brandy and pour it into the empty glass on the bar. BRANDY AND SODA. In a large punch glass put: 2 pieces ice. : I jigger brandy. I bottle plain soda. Stir and serve. CHAMPAGNE. Pack in fine ice and serve when very cold in cham pagne glasses. Never put ice in champagne. ii. CLARET AND ICE. 3 lumps ice, in thin whiskey sour glass. Fill up nwith claret.

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