1913 The Up to Date Bartender's Guide by Harry Montague

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$4 teaspoonful bar sugar. 1 jigger Sloe gin. Shake; strain into fizz glass; fill with Seltzer and serve while eifervescing. FLIP. YALE. ,Fill an ale glass nearly full of ale. 1 teaspoonful bar sugar. Break in 1 whole egg. Sprinkle with nutmeg and serve with a spoon laid across top of glass. FLIP. BRANDY. Fill large bar glass quarter full fine ice. Break in one whole egg. One.half tablespoonful bar sugar. 1 jigger brandy. Shake; strain into fancy bar glass. grate nutmeg on top and serve. FLIP. CLARET. Fill large bar glass one.half shaved ice. 2 teaspoonfuls bar sugar dissolved in a little water;

I egg broken in. 1%. jiggers claret.



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