1914 Beverages de luxe

Much of tilt' wliisky made in Kentiicl\y in its early history was shipped by Hatboats down the Ohio and Mississi))])! Rivers to New Orleans. The reputation of Kentucky Bourbon whisky has grown vastly since the Civil War, until now "Old Kentucky Bourl)on" is a synonymous term for "the best whisky." While Bourbon has probably become a generic name for whisky made for aging purjuises where corn jireponderates in its manufac- ture, Kentucky can never become generic except for whisky made in that State, and Kentucky naturally revolts at having whisky made outside of its boi'ders branded as made within its borders. The high reputation of Kentucky Bourbon whisky among the finest beverages of the world is jealously regarded, and has been well earned, for, as a beverage, either when taken straight or in any of the many delightful, exhilarating mixtures in which Bourbon forms the base, or, to mention more specifical- ly, an old-fashioned Kentucky toddy or mint julep, there is no finer drink known to man, either brewed, fermented, or dis-


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