1914 Beverages de luxe

After "having washed our lips with this illustrious wine," we may sample Nebbiolo, which is preferred by many on account of its fruity flavor and flower-like boutiuet. It is also prepared in a sparkling condition, and a very pleasant beverage is this red sparkling wine, especially with nuts. Nebbiolo, "which from the wine press comes sparkling and rushes in bottle and cellar to hide its young blushes," cannot, however, monopolize entirely our attention, for other In'ands are claiming their share of it, such as: Barbaresco, which is a red wine, round and soft, resembling Burgundy; the popular Barbera, much liked for its deei), ruby color, and its vigorous, strengthening qualities; and the aristocratic strawberry-colored (irignolino, an idea! table wine, the latter the favorite of the late Archbishop F^'ranzoni of Turin. Sparkling Moscato of Asti or C'anelli, produced in what is probalily the best-known viticultural district of I'iedmont, is considered one of the best and most typical of Italian sparkling wines. It has been called "a lad\'s wine" because "it is sweet." Remarkable for its bouiiuet, which stands somewhat between that of the musk and the scent of the rose, it has a slight alcoholic strength, so that it can be used safel\' even by the gentle sex, and is an exhilarating beverage. Lombardy produces less wine than Piedmont, the culture of the grape being confined mainly to the sub-Alpine or Alpine district, while the plains are chiefly devoted to the dairy and silk industries. What little wine is grown in Lombardy is, how- ever, of good (luality; the l)est being the wmes of Valtellina, the Rhaetia of the Latins, a province as celebrated to-day for its vintages as it was in ancient times. They are characterized by a beautiful strawberrv' color, lightness, delicacy of bouquet, clean- liness, and nuttiness of flaxor, being am(jng Italian wines those which approach the most, the grand vintage of the Medoc. On the western border of the Venetian province, not far from that romantic city of Verona, is grown another of the best wines of Italy, viz. : The Valpolicella, a table wine, ruby in color, of moderate strength, clean and palatable, developing with age a delicate, violet-like bouiiuet. Somewhat resembling Bur- gundy, it has, however, a certain tendency to sparkle, a quality this, that has been lately utilized in prejjaring of this tyi)e a sparkling variety, which finds considerable favor among con- sumers in this country. The allurements of Stecchetti's poetry are not necessary to initiate the traveller into the delightful "soles of Venice and wine of Conegliano," another of the celebrated Venetian vintages, and probably, the most popular sparkling wine of Italy, for the latter speaks for itself, once you have gotten well acciuainted with it.

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