1916 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


F or use, half fill the shaker with cracked or sh aved ice, add l t oz_s. of Columbia Fizz Sy rup , p u t on cover a nd mix well, then remove cover and draw iced soda water into shaker usinn– first the fin e stream, t hen t he coarse , un til it i";, n early full; put on str a iner and pour into a 2 oz. g lass with a good foaming head. Sen·e quickly. CREAM BEVERAGES. Str a \\·be rn· and cream . Coffee ,, Dra 11· 2 ozs. of t he desi red syrup into a 12 oz. gl:i ss; :idd 2 ozs. of fresh cream , fill glass about t hree-qu a rters full with soda water, stir well with long spoon; put in a ladle full of whipped cream ; serve with straws . Lemon or orange syrup should not be u sed with cream , as it will curdle (unl ess specially ask ed for same). E GG MILK SH.AKE. Break a new laid egg into a 12 oz. glass in front of customer ; add 4 ozs. of fres·h milk and 2 ozs. of plain syrup; transfer to shaker, mix well, and fill up with iced soda water until nearly full; pour from shaker to glass several times to thoroughly mix and serve with a good head . Grate a litt1e nutmeg· on top of frotli. EGG ICE CREAM FLIP. (With Strm1·berrv, Pineapple, Vanilla or Chocolate Flavouring.) Break a new la id egg into a 14 oz. glass in presence of customer , add a 2 oz. measure cf ice cream an d draw 2 ozs. of the des ire d sy rup : transfer to sha ker a nd mix well until all is broken up , th e n add abou t 8 ozs. of soda water an d pour from sh a ker into glass; serve witb g ood foami ng head with " r without straws. Jfaspberry· Pineapple Vanilla Cherry Chocolate " ,.


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