1917 Seventy Recipes for Cocktails Cups and Punches by GGD and EEFP


Brandy Smash.

H a lf teaspoonful suga r. Half wineg las s wa ter.

Three or four spri gs of fres h fruit. Three desertspoonful crus hed ice. Three das hes Angostura .b itte rs . One wine g lass old bran dy.

Stair well with a spoon, s train a nd orn a me nt with strawberries or sli ce of ora n ge or a ny fruit in season .

Gin Fizz . ยท

One half tabl espoonful suga r. One teaspoon lemon jui ce.

Four das hes Angostura hitters . One wine g lass Old T orn Gi n. Add crushed -ice, sh ak e we ll a ncl str;;in into ch a mpa gne g lass, fill up with soda wa te r.

Gin Rickey.

Juice of on e lime. Leave ha lf the pressed lime in g l ~ ss . One lump of ice. One w in eglass Old T om G in. Fill up with soda.

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