1917 Seventy Recipes for Cocktails Cups and Punches by GGD and EEFP
16 spoonful of sugar (crus hed,) and two or three spri gs of mint, which should be pressed with a spoon or c rus her into the sugar and water to extract th e flavour. Add two wine g lassful s of old brandy, now we sha nt't be lon g, fill up with powde red ice, sh a:ke well, get the mint to the top of the tumbler, s talks down, and put a few straw– b erri es a nd s lices of oranges atop. Shake in a littl e rum, las t of all, a nd drink throug h straw. Angels Kiss. Three quarters of a pon y g lassful of apricot brandy, topped off with enoug h thick cream to fill the glass. Put the cream into the g lass with a bar spoon so it will not mix with the cordial; hut fl oat on top of it. Revelation. Into a small shaker put a little shaved ice, % a liqueur g lass D.O.M., 73 liqueu r g lass Kimmell and 7 drops Hij au, twist and throw in a piece of lemon pee l and add :% teaspoon lime a nd a sh erry g lass of Ideal milk, s h a ke well. Planters' Prayer. Into a mixin g glass put a sherry g lass of whisky, 4 tablets saxin, one teaspoon of p araffin , shaved ice and s he rry g lass of Idea l milk, and Yz sherry g lass of water, s hake well.
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