1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)

of sugar, one quart of water, let it stand one hour; add I pint Old Tom gin. I wineglassful Maraschino. A few pieces of ice. I bottle of seltzer, and serve;


Put into a pitcher

I quart of plain soda water. 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar, dis solve well.

I quart of claret wine. n 1 wineglass Maraschino. Stir and serve with a little sliced fruit; add ice.


Rub the rind of three lemons with nutmeg grater, in seven ounces of sugar; add one quart of boiling wa ter; add the juice of the three lemons; this syrup is mixed with one quart of Irish whiskey; serve in mugs.

MOSELLE CUP. (Two Quarts) I quart of Moselle wine: I pony of curacoa. I pony of abricotine. I pony of brandy. 6 or 8 pieces of loaf sugar.

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