1917 The Reminder by Jacob A. Didier (5th edition)
BRANDY STRAIGHT. Put a piece of ice in a whiskey glass and place it with the bottle of brandy to the customer to help him self; carbonated water on side.
BRANDY TODDY. Put in a whiskey glass. I teaspoonful of sugar.
I small piece of ice, with spoon.
Hand bottle of brandy to customer to help himself; carbonated water on side.
BROMO SELTZER. Use two medium size, thin glasses. 1 wineglass of water in each glass. n 2 spoonfuls of bromo seltzer, one in each glass. Mix from one glass to the other and drink while in a state of effer vescence. BUFFALO. Put into a medium size bar glass small piece of ice; one dash of lemon juice. Let customer help himself to whiskey, and fill up with carbonated water. BURNT BRANDY. Put one lump of loaf sugar in saucer; one drink of brandy. Ignite 75
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