1918 Home Brewed Wines and Beers and Bartender's Guide

$150 Gazing Ball IMPKOVED, NEW TYPE GAZING BALL AT LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE IMPORTED CRYSTALS SOLD FOR! EVEN MORE PER FECT IN SHAPE! COMPLETE, MOUNTED IN STAND, 91.50! Cryatal Gazing is not a new invention, nor la it meroly a' fad for foretelling the futuro or developtaent of the mental powers. It is said to date back almost to tho scriptural ac count of tho creation of man. It is generally assumed that crystal gazing had its ongin in Egypt and historians tell us that a large number of crj'stals were found in tho nilns of an old temple in existence ^ thousand years before tho Christian era. Crystal g^ing achieved great popnlaxity in the British Isles dming the Fourteenth Century, in Japan many homes have thmr crystals that they are said to consult on subjects of im- Ihe practice of crystal gazing has been prominent m Foi, also in Mexico, Peru and other South Ameri^n coun tries, In^a, Arabia ^d ^sewhere. The art is said to be prac- r^ciom ^oeifl and Sunnecasses as part of their It seems difficult not to rec ognize its aid as a means of concentra tion, and concentration not infrequently means success, or to put it another


way, success often reqnires concentration, but tho student who earnestly desires to develop the mental powers might do worse than obtain a crystal, retire to a quiet semi-dark room and placing the crystal upon tho table, gaze calmly at it and causa the mind to enter a passive state. And now, through a special request, a U. S. manufacturer has made xip a new typo Gazing Ball for us. with many Improvements, yet actually selling for only a fraction of the price the imported Gazing Crystals brought. Even tho finest Gazing Crystal was seldom perfect and without flaws—most of them were not oven round. This new type of crystal is liquid-sealed. Insuring absolute clearness, without flaws of any sort. Its shape is nearly pei-foct, spherical. As a result of roo

Books on Crystal Gazing 2Cc No. 1654. Six Lessons in Crystal Gazing. Pric©.^^^ No. 1655. Crystal Gazing by Zancig. Price. ...... .25c No. 1656. Crystal Gazing and How to Do it. Price ISo Put Your Picture on Letters, Cards, etc. BEAUTIFUL PHOTO STAMPS

V/rrfing OUiJA kOAgD

What Message Will It Bring You ?

From Any Photo Your photo reproduced from any size photograph or snapshot. Actual photos same size as a postage Stamp. Wonderful, glossy clear sharp pictures, gum med backs and perforated, all ready for uso. Apply them to letters, postals, envelopes, etc., for busi ness or social use. Your original returned unin jured. Any seven letter word, initials, name, etc., can be placed on stamps In addition. Print plainly. NO. D7207. 2S Photo •fCki Stamps of any 1 photo ' ' 60 Photo Stamps of Same Photo Sl.OO dOO of Same Photo SI.25



It is a weird experience to observe the OuIJa Board apparently forming words and Bentences, now hesitatingly, as if dubious of the wisdom It imparts, and then impetuously. $1.50 No. 6645. OuIJa Talking Board. Price.



SET \\ VaI,

Yes—you can be a scientist — you can enjoy the thrills of your own research and experiments. There are few thinga which bring to you the fun and excito- ment of conducting your own study of the amazing wonders of science.

"With more than IGO fascinating experiments ill chemistry and mystifying chemical magic, this is a fine beginner's chemistry outfit. Contains 20 chemi cals, pieces of apparatus and equipment, including a wooden test tube rack and laboratory-type spring test tube holder for safely holding teat tubes when beating

liquids or soMds. Contents of outfit securely fastened to tray and caicli piecS CaS ,1)0remoYod 68 often as desired. Liberal quantities of all chomicaLs included. Packed in box 17 ^xlO ^xl ^ No* €818* PRICE (91*00 plus postage)* 8CNO

and replaced $1.15

Made with