1919 Home made beverages

Ginger Ales, Beers, Pop, Etc.


Dissolve 3 lb. granulated sugar in 2 gal. of water. Then add the well-beaten whites of 3 eggs and 2 oz. pow- dered ginger. It is well to moisten the ginger before add- ing it to the whole with just a little water. Now place over the fire in an enameled saucepan, bring slowly to* the boiling point, skim and stand aside to settle. When cold, add the juice of 1 large lemon and J£ oz. yeast, dis- solved in 2 tablespoonfuls of warm water. Mix thor- oughly, strain, fill the bottles, cork tightly and tie the corks, putting them at once in a cool place. Ready for use in 2 days. Ginger Mint Lemon syrup, 4 oz.; ginger syrup, 12 oz.; tincture capsicum, 2 dr.; tincture menth. vir., J^ dr. Mix, serve with shaved ice and straws. Decorate with mint leaves. 1. — Five lb. of cream of tartar; ginger, 8 oz.; sugar, 35 lb.; essence of lemon, 5 dr.; water, 30 gal.; yeast 2 qt. 2. — Take 5J^ gal. water; ginger root (bruised), % lb.; tartaric acid, }4 oz.; white sugar, 2)4, lb.; whites of 3 eggs, well beaten; 1 small teaspoonful lemon oil; 1 gill yeast. Boil the root for 30 minutes in 1 gal. water; strain and put the oil in while hot; mix. Make over night; in the morning skim and bottle. 3. — Five lb. of loaf sugar to 5 gal. of cold water, 4 lemons, 2 oz. white root ginger, 4 oz. cream tartar. Boil the sugar and ginger (previously pound the latter); when it has boiled 15 minutes strain it through a flannel cloth into a large crock, put in the cream tartar, slice also the lemon into it; let it stand until milk-warm, then add a teacup of yeast; let it stand a little, then bottle it tightly in stone bottles; in 3 days it will be fit for use. 4. Imperial. — Cream of tartar, 3 ^oz.; ginger, 1 oz.; 73 Ginger Pop

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