1920 What to Drink E L Bertha




Freeze until smooth and hard.

and loganberry juices.

pack and allow to stand for two hours.


i cupful of sugar, 1 cupful of water, i quart of strawberries.

Boil the sugar and water until it bubbles. Wash and hull the strawberries; mash and press through a cheesecloth. When the syrup is cold, add the strawberry juice and pulp; mix well and freeze. WATERMELON ICE

Ripe melon, ii cupfuls of sugar, 2 oranges, I lemon, i cupful of white grape juice, Pink vegetable coloring.

Remove the pulp from a ripe melon; press it through a fine sieve and add the sugar, lemon juice, orange juice and the zest of one orange and the grape juice. Color with enough vegetable color to make it a real watermelon pink; pack and freeze. FRUIT GRANITS Granits are really " snow waters," frozen only enough to admit being poured. The granits are frozen in a freezer, although the Creoles usually freeze them in the *' old fash- ioned water jugs." ORANGE GRANIT

ib cupfuls of orange juice, £ pound of sugar, i pint of water.

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