1920 What to Drink E L Bertha
Peel six oranges very carefully, removing all the inner white part of the skin, and slice very thin. Place this in a deep bowl and sprinkle granulated sugar, allowing it to stand for five hours. Squeeze the juice from six oranges, and press the juice from the sliced ones, straining it and mixing the plain juice with this syrup. Add the water, strain and pour into a freezer; and freeze until like mush. Serve in small punch glasses.
i pint of water, i pound of sugar, i cupful of lemon juice.
Extract the juice from the lemons, add the sugar and stir until dissolved ; add the water and freeze until mush-like and serve in attractive punch glasses.
I quart of strawberries, I tablespoon ful of strawberry extract, I tablespoonful of lemon juice,
i pound of sugar, ij pints of water.
Crush the berries and cover with the sugar, allowing this to stand for five hours. Strain and press through a sieve, pressing out all the juice possible. Add the lemon juice, water and the extract. Turn this into a freezer and freeze until like mush. Serve in punch glasses.
I quart of raspberries, i tablespoonful of raspberry extract,
I pound of sugar, i cupful of currants, i pint of water.
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