1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



I quart of grape juice, 4 lemons, I cupful of sugar, I stick of cinnamon, i quart of water.

Extract the juice from the lemons and add the sugar and stick of cinnamon, allowing this to stand on the ice for an hour. At the expiration of that time add the water and grape juice ; pour over a block of ice in the punch bowl and serve. (It were well to remove the stick of cinnamon be- fore serving, however.) MOCK CREOLE CLARET PUNCH 2k quarts of grape juice,

1 pint of lemon juice, \\ quarts of Apollinaris,

pound of sugar,


2 sliced lemons, Water, Ice.

Mix the grape juice, lemon juice, sugar and enough water to thin to please the taste of the hostess. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, and pour over a block of ice in the punch bowl. To this add the thinly sliced lemons and last, the Apollinaris. STRAWBERRY PUNCH 3 quarts of strawberries, 2 quarts of carbonated water, i dozen lemons, 2 pineapples,

i pound of sugar (more if desired), \\ quarts of white grape juice, Ice, Selected strawberries.

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