1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



8 oranges,

I pound of block sugar, 3 quarts of white grape juice, 1 quart of ginger ale, i pint of purple grape juice, 2 sticks of cinnamon, Ice.

Peel the outer skin of two of the oranges and add one quart of white grape juice and two sticks of cinnamon, allow- ing this to stand on ice for three hours and then strain. Extract the juice from eight oranges and pour over the sugar. Allow the sugar to melt, mix with the strained grape juice, add the remaining grape juice, both purple and white, mix and at serving time add the ginger ale.


i pint of green tea infusion, i pound of block sugar, i quart of sweet cider, i pint of ginger ale, 2 slices of fresh cucumber, 3 sprays of thyme, i sage leaf, Ice.

Make the tea infusion by pouring a half pint of boiling water over a teaspoonful of green tea allowing it to stand for six minutes ; strain and pour into a bowl with the block sugar, cider, cucumber, thyme and sage. Allow this to stand on the ice for a half hour, strain and add the ginger ale and a pint of shaved ice. Serve as soon as the ginger ale is added.

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