1925 Drinks Long & Short by Nina Toye and A H Adair




(Four People) For this cocktail take two glasses of gin and two of orange juice; add six drops of orange bitters and a teaspoonful of essence of orange blossom (it can be bought at most stores and Soho shops, the French kind called eau de fleurs d'orangey being the best). Put the mixture into the shaker with ice, shake well, and serve. PAT'S SPECIAL Take two glasses of gin, two of sherry and two ofDubonnet; put these \nto a shaker with two dashes of Creme de Cassis and two dashes of Abricotine, Add broken ice, shake well and serve with a cherry and a small slice of orange. (This recipe is from Hatchett's Bar). PRUNEAUX COCKTAIL Two glasses of gin, two of sherry, one of prune syrup and one of strained orange juice. Shake for longer than usual.


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