1926 The Cocktail Book (new and revised edition 3rd imp)

New York Sour, Use Mixing Glass. ©NE teaspoonful fine sugar; Juice of half lemon, one portion rye whiskey. FUl with ice, stir well, strain into sour glass, float a little claret on top, and serve.

Peach Blow Fizz, Use Mixing Glass.

^NE tablespoonful sugar; juice of half- ^ lemon; one portion Tom gin; table- spoonful Grenadine syrup; three dashes cream. Fill with ice, shake well, strain into fizz glass and fill with siphon. Pick Me Up. Use Mixing Glass. ©NE-QUARTER Femet-Branca bitters; one-quarter Italian vermouth; one- half rye whiskey. Fill with ice, shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass.

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