1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Dream Cocktail. 1/J Curapo, 2/J Brandy, 1 d)sh Absinthe. cont ributed by Bruce Reynolds.

"'ยท Du Barry Cocktail.

dash Boonkam Bitters.

dashes Absinthe,





Gorn me Syrup, 2/J Gin, 1/J French Vermouth. Shake well. Strain into cocktail glass with quarter slice of o range. Dubonnet Cocktail. 2/J Dubonnet, 1/J G in. Dubonnet Fizz. Juice of half an Orange, Juice of half a L emon, 1 tea spoonful. of Cherry Brandy, 1 glass Dubonnet. Shake well, strain into wineglass. and squirt of syphon. Dunlop Cocktail. 1/ 3 Sherry, 2/ 3 Rum . 1 dash Angostura Bitters. - 25 -

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