1927 Drinks of All Kinds


Mandarin's Cup. Ingredients. — Four ounces of sugar; six oranges; one lemon; half a pint of sherry, Madeira, or quarter of a pint of brandy; half a pint of green tea. Grate the rind of two oranges upon the sugar. Put it into a stewpan with one pint of water, boil it gently for three minutes, then add the juice of si.x oranges and one large lemon. Let it cool, add to it half a pint of green tea cold, and more sugar if liked. Let it stand in a refrigerator till wanted, then add the wine or spirit, and one pound of pounded ice. My Tankard. Ingredients.—One bottle of ale ; two lemons; two tablespoonfuls of sugar; one glass of sherry; handful of mint; a little nutmeg; one pint of cold water. Put the juice of two lemons and the rind of one into a bowl; add the water, sugar, sherry, mint, and nutmeg;. Let it stand fifteen minutes; take out the mint, add the ale, and ice for fifteen minutes. King Edward's Own. Use large glass; fill three parts with shaved ice, one tablespoonful of icing sugar, eight drops of Boker's bitters, one liqueur-glass of brandy. Shake well, fill up with champagne, dash with sherry, add a slice of pineapple. Serve with two straws.

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