1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

12. Bacard i Cocktail. r t easpoon fu l Grenadine, } Gin. ~ Bacarcli Rum, juice o r half :t lime . (Bacarcli 1\um comes rrom Cuba.) 13. Bamboo Cocktail . I clash Orange B itters, 1 wineglass Dry Sherry , ! w ineglass French Ver mouth. (Charlie J1l aho11ey. Barlc11der. I-I off111an H ousc, New Yorll.) 14. Bijou Cocktail. Use a la r ge bar glass. r clash Oran ge Bitters, 1 Green Chartreuse , ! Ital ian Vermouth , 1 Plymouth G in. Mix we ll with a s poon, stra in into a cockta il glass, add a cherry o r olive , squeeze a piece of lemon pee I on top, and serve . (Recipe jvo111 J-1 arry j olmson of New Or/ea 11s .) 15. Blackthorn Cocktail. 3 clashes J\n gostura , 3 clashes Abs inthe, 1 Irish \l\ihis ky, ! French Vermouth . Shake we ll , a nd st rain into cockta il glass . 16 . Blanche Cocktail. ·} Cointreau. 1 Anisette , t Curac;:ao (wh ite) . Shake wcl I and stra in into cockta il glass. (A popular after -dinner cocktail .) 17. Block and Fall Cocktail. ·/; Anis de! Oso or Abs int he , !- Calvaclos , 1 Brandy, 1 Coi ntreau . (lnveu ted by T . Van Dyche, at Cfro's, Deau.ville , 1924 .) 23

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