1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

68. Coop erstow n Cocktail. ! Frenc:i. Vermouth , 5· G in , 2 spr igs of F resh Mint.

69 . Corona tion Cocktail. Use mixin g glass.

Fill h a lf full w ith cr acked Ice, 2 d ash es D rio li Marasch ino , 3 d ashes Oran ge Bitters , i Fren ch Ver– m outh , ! Sh erry . (R ecipe by J oseph Rose , of JW urray B ros. Cafe . Newar /1, N .] ., in 1903 .) 70. Country Club Cooler. Serve in tumbler. r glass F rench Ver mouth, r t easpoonful Gren adine , 2 lumps of Ice, fi ll w ith Soda Wat er. 71. Cream Fizz. r glass of G in , Ju ice of r L emo n , 1 t easpoonful Su gar or Gomme ; ad d last 1 tca~poonfu l of Fresh Cream . Shake well , stra in into wi neglass a nd squirt of sod a on top . 72. Cuban Cockta il. i Brand y , ! Apr icot Bra nd y , J u ice o f h a lf a Lime .


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