1930 The Saloon in the Home

But now it isn't so no more; I'se sure I don't know why, But Daddy buys me lots of things And Mammy doesn't cry. It's something on that pretty card, Where Daddy wrote his name; 'Cos Mammy kissed it lots of times And put it in a frame. I don't know (perhaps it isn't so), But do you know, I think, (But, Carlo dear, you musn't tell) That Daddy used to drink!

Edward Carswell.

ON THE TOWN T wo women found the means of getting intoxicated at a shop, and in going home in a wagon, the one the least drunk contrived to pitch the other out, which occa– sioned the breaking of her leg. The miserable woman, by this mishap, is thrown on the town for support. Cold Water Reminders, 1876.

The Deadly Amonita

One part Applejack, One part Brandy,

The juice of half a Lemon, A teaspoonful of Grenadine. [ 36]

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