1930 The Saloon in the Home


THE SAD END OF THE CONVIVIALITY CLUB T HE first diminution which the Conviviality Club re– ceived in the number of its members was in the person of Daniel Crowquill, who, attempting to return to his house one morning, from the Red Horse Tavern, after carous– ing cosily until nearly four o'clock, missed his way in a violent snowstorm and perished in the road. Ananiah Saddletree was shortly after arrested for debt and lodged in the County jail. Jonas Simpkins, after a violent quarrel with his wife, felt the stings of remorse so powerfully at work in his bosom, that he went into the garret and hung himself. Dr. Merritt was thrown from his horse on leaving the tavern and had his ankle bone so shattered that amputation was necessary. Stephen Thompson, after exhausting his worldly store, commenced a system of petty pilfering and was sentenced to States prison. But what gave the [ 43]

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