1930 The Saloon in the Home

The Fizz Family

The Gln Fizz

% Gin.

Ya Lemon Juice. Sugar to taste. Shake well, strain into large glass and fill up with soda or seltzer.

The Silver Fizz

As above but add the white of an egg.

The Golden Fizz

Add the yolk of an egg.

The Royal Fhz

Put in the whole egg (less the shell).

The Ramos Fizz (This is the authentic and secret recipe)

Tablespoon of sugar.


I part Gin. 1h part heavy cream. 2

Tablespoons lemon juice. Tablespoons lime juice.


I white of egg. Shake vigorously until almost exhausted then pour into chilled glass containing 1 part seltzer and two dashes of orange flower water. The Eye Opener Two parts Rye whiskey, One part Grapefruit; juice, One lump of ice. Stir gently and drink before it is too cold. [ 48]

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