1930 The Saloon in the Home
I'd rather hear our voices blend The hymn of love to raise; Than to the drunkard's chorus lend One note, to catch their praise.
Though croaking tongues forbode my fall, And tempt my strength with wine;
I'll dash the viper to the wall, ~ And safety-joy-are mine! Poem Redted at the Opening of the Bradford Temperance Hall, March, i838.
The Commodore
One part Rye whiskey, The juice of half a Lime, One teaspoonful of powdered sugar, Two dashes of Orange bitters.
The Fred Whitney Ya Gin. Ya French Vermouth. Ya Apricot Brandy.
The Guard's
1h Gin. 1h Italian Vermouth. Two dashes of Curacao. [ 90 J
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