1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

OldWaldotf Bar Days

BRONX The name of a meandering river and a borough familiar in NewYork geography, but, as told elsewhere, the cocktail was called after the Bronx "Zoo." Many Vflriations' of the original recipe have become current.

One-fourth Italian Vermuth One-fourth French Vermuth One-half Gordon Gin Frappe with piece of Orange Peel

While the above is the recipe that has come down in the book, it is not the original Bronx, as it was invented by Johnnie Solon. As earlier mentioned, that was composed of one-third Orange Juice, two-thirds Gin, and a dash of Italian and French Vermuth. BRUT An extremely "dry" cocktail. "Brut," the French word, means "raw." Many of its customers used to pronounce it "Brute." That's what some thought it was.

Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half French Vermuth

One-half Calisaya One dash Absinthe Frappe


Gordon Gin Frappe

No Bitters One Olive Carbonic on side


Two dashes Orange Bitters One j~gger Calisaya Stir; strain [ 124]

Made with