1933 300 Drinks and How to mix'em
Mississippi Punch (Large oar glass) 1 table-spoon sugar, dissolved in % wine-glass water. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. % wine-glass Bourbon whisky. % wdne-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass brandy. Fill goblet with fine ice; dress top with pieces orange, pine apple, &c.
Orchard Punch (A large bar glass)
2 table-spoons orchard syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of lime or lemon juice.
% pony pineapple syrup. Fill glass wdth fine ice. 1 wine-glass Califomia brandy. Stir well. Dress -with fruits, dash with a little Port wine, and serve wdth a straw.
Orgeat Punch (A large bar glass)
1% table-spoon orgeat syrup. 1% wine-glass brandy. 4 or 5 dashes lemon. FiU glass wdth fine ice. Shake well. Dress with fruits; top off with a dash of Port wine. Serve with straw.
Philadelphia Heating Punch (A large bar glass)
FiU Glass with fine ice. 1 table-spoon sugar.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 1 wine glass St. Croix rum. 1 pony of old brandy. Stir welL Dress with frulte.. and seirs with a straw.
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